import argparse import pandas as pd import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import os import seaborn as sns import shutil import warnings from datetime import timedelta from multiprocessing import Pool from typing import BinaryIO # Output class Output: """ Output ensures result files get written to the right directory. Example: output = Output("output", "test-1") with output.create("summary.txt") as f: # path to f is "output/test-1/summary.txt" """ out_dir: str def __init__(self, base_dir: str, name: str): """ Initialize the output manager. This will both fully delete any existing output directory, and then create an empty directory for the output. Args: base_dir: The root directory for outputs name: The subdir of the root, where the results files go """ self.out_dir = os.path.join(base_dir, name) shutil.rmtree(self.out_dir, ignore_errors=True) os.makedirs(self.out_dir) def create(self, filename) -> BinaryIO: """ Create a new file for writing in the output directory. """ full_path = self.named(filename) f = open(full_path, "w") return f def named(self, filename) -> str: """ Get the full path within the output directory for a named results file. """ full_path = os.path.join(self.out_dir, filename) return full_path # Utility functions def get_halving_dates(): """Return known and projected Bitcoin halving dates""" return pd.to_datetime( [ "2008-01-03", # Bitcoin genesis block (treat as cycle start) "2012-11-28", # First halving "2016-07-09", # Second halving "2020-05-11", # Third halving "2024-04-19", # Fourth halving "2028-04-20", # Fifth halving (projected) ] ) def get_cycle_position(date, halving_dates): """ Calculate position in halving cycle (0 to 1) for a given date. 0 represents a halving event, 1 represents just before the next halving. """ if len(halving_dates) == 0: raise Exception("halving dates cannot be empty") # Convert date to datetime if it's not already date = pd.to_datetime(date) # Find the most recent halving before this date prev_halving = halving_dates[halving_dates <= date].max() if pd.isna(prev_halving): return 0.0 # For dates before first halving # Find next halving future_halvings = halving_dates[halving_dates > date] if len(future_halvings) == 0: # For dates after last known halving, use same cycle length as last known cycle last_cycle_length = (halving_dates[-1] - halving_dates[-2]).days days_since_halving = (date - halving_dates[-1]).days return min(days_since_halving / last_cycle_length, 1.0) next_halving = future_halvings.min() # Calculate position as fraction between halvings days_since_halving = (date - prev_halving).days cycle_length = (next_halving - prev_halving).days return min(days_since_halving / cycle_length, 1.0) def format_price(x, p): """Format large numbers in K, M, B format with appropriate precision""" if abs(x) >= 1e9: return f"${x/1e9:.1f}B" if abs(x) >= 1e6: return f"${x/1e6:.1f}M" if abs(x) >= 1e3: return f"${x/1e3:.1f}K" if abs(x) >= 1: return f"${x:.0f}" return f"${x:.2f}" # For values less than $1, show cents def get_nice_price_points(min_price, max_price): """ Generate a reasonable set of price points for the y-axis that look clean and cover the range without cluttering the chart. """ # Handle zero or negative prices min_price = max(min_price, 0.0001) # Set minimum price to $0.0001 log_min = np.floor(np.log10(min_price)) log_max = np.ceil(np.log10(max_price)) price_points = [] # For very large ranges (spanning more than 4 orders of magnitude), # only use powers of 10 and mid-points if log_max - log_min > 4: for exp in range(int(log_min), int(log_max + 1)): base = 10**exp # Add main power of 10 if min_price <= base <= max_price: price_points.append(base) # Add mid-point if range is large enough if min_price <= base * 5 <= max_price and exp > log_min: price_points.append(base * 5) else: # For smaller ranges, use 1, 2, 5 sequence for exp in range(int(log_min), int(log_max + 1)): for mult in [1, 2, 5]: point = mult * 10**exp if min_price <= point <= max_price: price_points.append(point) return np.array(price_points) # Market metrics class MarketFundamentals: """ Calculate and track fundamental market metrics for Bitcoin. Designed to be extensible for additional metrics. """ def __init__(self): # Constants self.GENESIS_DATE = pd.Timestamp("2009-01-03") self.BLOCKS_PER_DAY = 144 self.HALVING_INTERVAL = 210000 # blocks # Volatility adjustment parameters (from our tuning) self.VOLUME_SCALE = 70 self.DEPTH_SCALE = 7 self.BASE_ADJUSTMENT = 0.68 def calculate_total_supply(self, date): """Calculate total Bitcoin supply at a given date.""" days_since_genesis = (date - self.GENESIS_DATE).days if days_since_genesis < 0: return 0 total_supply = 0 remaining_blocks = days_since_genesis * self.BLOCKS_PER_DAY current_reward = 50 while remaining_blocks > 0 and current_reward >= 0.01: blocks_at_this_reward = min(remaining_blocks, self.HALVING_INTERVAL) total_supply += blocks_at_this_reward * current_reward remaining_blocks -= blocks_at_this_reward current_reward /= 2 # Adjust for missed blocks and lost coins total_supply *= 0.95 # Account for varying block times total_supply *= 0.93 # Estimate for lost/inaccessible coins return total_supply def get_block_reward(self, date): """Get Bitcoin block reward at a given date.""" days_since_genesis = (date - self.GENESIS_DATE).days if days_since_genesis < 0: return 0 halvings = days_since_genesis // (4 * 365) # Approximate halving periods return 50 / (2**halvings) def calculate_supply_metrics(self, date): """Calculate supply-related metrics.""" total_supply = self.calculate_total_supply(date) block_reward = self.get_block_reward(date) daily_new_supply = block_reward * self.BLOCKS_PER_DAY return { "total_supply": total_supply, "daily_new_supply": daily_new_supply, "supply_growth_rate": daily_new_supply / total_supply, "stock_to_flow": total_supply / (daily_new_supply * 365), # Annualized } def calculate_market_metrics(self, df, date, window=30): """Calculate market activity metrics.""" recent_data = df[df["Date"] <= date].tail(window) if len(recent_data) < window: return {"avg_volume": 0, "price_volatility": 0, "price_impact": 0} avg_volume = recent_data["Volume"].mean() price_volatility = recent_data["Close"].pct_change().std() price_impact = recent_data["Close"].std() / recent_data["Close"].mean() return { "avg_volume": avg_volume, "price_volatility": price_volatility, "price_impact": price_impact, } def get_market_maturity_metrics(self, df, date, window=30): """ Combine supply and market metrics to assess market maturity. """ supply_metrics = self.calculate_supply_metrics(date) market_metrics = self.calculate_market_metrics(df, date, window) # Calculate combined metrics volume_to_supply = market_metrics["avg_volume"] / supply_metrics["total_supply"] market_depth = volume_to_supply / (market_metrics["price_impact"] + 0.001) return { "volume_to_supply": volume_to_supply, "supply_growth_rate": supply_metrics["supply_growth_rate"], "market_depth": market_depth, "stock_to_flow": supply_metrics["stock_to_flow"], "price_impact": market_metrics["price_impact"], } def calculate_volatility_adjustment(self, metrics): """ Calculate volatility adjustment based on market metrics. """ # Supply-based component supply_based_vol = np.sqrt(metrics["supply_growth_rate"] * 365 * 100) # Market maturity component maturity_factor = 1 - np.clip( metrics["volume_to_supply"] * self.VOLUME_SCALE, 0, 0.6 ) # Market depth component depth_factor = np.clip( 1 / np.sqrt(1 + metrics["market_depth"] * self.DEPTH_SCALE), 0.7, 1.3 ) # Combine factors adjustment = ( self.BASE_ADJUSTMENT * (1 + supply_based_vol) * maturity_factor * depth_factor ) # Ensure reasonable bounds return np.clip(adjustment, 0.65, 0.75) def calculate_confidence_adjustment(self, metrics, level): """Calculate confidence interval adjustments with more sensitive market metrics.""" # More granular depth impact if metrics["market_depth"] > 0.1: depth_factor = 0.5 elif metrics["market_depth"] > 0.05: depth_factor = 0.7 else: depth_factor = 1.0 # More granular volume impact if metrics["volume_to_supply"] > 0.015: volume_factor = 0.5 elif metrics["volume_to_supply"] > 0.008: volume_factor = 0.7 else: volume_factor = 1.0 depth_impact = np.clip(metrics["market_depth"] * 0.15 * depth_factor, 0, 0.15) vol_impact = np.clip(metrics["volume_to_supply"] * 20 * volume_factor, 0, 0.15) total_adjustment = (depth_impact + vol_impact) * 0.4 if level >= 0.95: total_adjustment *= 0.4 return level + (1 - level) * total_adjustment def compare_adjustments(df, fundamentals): """ Compare fundamental-based adjustments with original era-based ones. """ # Sample dates for comparison date_range = pd.date_range(start=df["Date"].min(), end=df["Date"].max(), freq="30D") results = [] for date in date_range: # Calculate era-based adjustment if date < pd.Timestamp("2017-12-10"): era_adj = 0.71 # early era elif date < pd.Timestamp("2020-01-01"): era_adj = 0.69 # transition era else: era_adj = 0.67 # mature era # Calculate fundamental-based adjustment metrics = fundamentals.get_market_maturity_metrics(df, date) fund_adj = fundamentals.calculate_volatility_adjustment(metrics) results.append( { "date": date, "era_adjustment": era_adj, "fundamental_adjustment": fund_adj, "metrics": metrics, } ) return pd.DataFrame(results) # Analysis functions def analyze_trends(df): """ Analyze Bitcoin price trends using log returns with S2F awareness. """ df = df.copy() fundamentals = MarketFundamentals() # Get halving dates and calculate cycle position halving_dates = get_halving_dates() df["Cycle_Position"] = df["Date"].apply( lambda x: get_cycle_position(x, halving_dates) ) df["Cycle_Days"] = (df["Cycle_Position"] * 4 * 365).round().astype(int) # Calculate S2F metrics for each date supply_metrics = [ fundamentals.calculate_supply_metrics(date) for date in df["Date"] ] df["S2F_Ratio"] = [m["stock_to_flow"] for m in supply_metrics] df["S2F_Change"] = df["S2F_Ratio"].pct_change() # Calculate log returns and basic cycle returns df["Log_Price"] = np.log(df["Close"]) df["Log_Return"] = df["Log_Price"].diff() # Calculate cycle-based returns position_returns = df.groupby("Cycle_Days")["Log_Return"].mean() # Calculate S2F impact on returns s2f_impact = df.groupby("Cycle_Days")["S2F_Change"].mean() # Smooth both components window = 60 smoothed_cycle_returns = position_returns.rolling( window=window, center=True, min_periods=int(window / 2), ).mean() smoothed_s2f_impact = s2f_impact.rolling( window=window, center=True, min_periods=int(window / 2), ).mean() # Fill NaN values smoothed_cycle_returns = smoothed_cycle_returns.fillna(method="bfill").fillna( method="ffill" ) smoothed_s2f_impact = smoothed_s2f_impact.fillna(method="bfill").fillna( method="ffill" ) # Combine cycle returns with S2F impact s2f_weight = 0.3 # Adjustable parameter combined_returns = ( smoothed_cycle_returns * (1 - s2f_weight) + smoothed_s2f_impact * s2f_weight ) # Apply dampening using current market metrics latest_metrics = fundamentals.get_market_maturity_metrics(df, df["Date"].max()) market_adjustment = fundamentals.calculate_volatility_adjustment(latest_metrics) def adaptive_dampen(x): if x > 2 * combined_returns.std(): return x * (0.6 * market_adjustment) elif x < -2 * combined_returns.std(): return x * (0.7 * market_adjustment) return x * market_adjustment return def calculate_adaptive_volatility( df, short_window=30, medium_window=90, long_window=180, vol_clip_min=0.5, vol_clip_max=2.0, ): """ Calculate volatility with adaptive window sizes based on market conditions. Returns a single volatility value for the most recent period. Incorporates long-term volatility as a stability baseline and additional reference point for regime detection. """ df = df.copy() df["Log_Return"] = np.log(df["Close"]).diff() # Remove any NaN values that could cause issues df = df.dropna() if len(df) < long_window: # Not enough data, fall back to simple volatility return df["Log_Return"].std() # Get recent data for efficiency lookback = max(long_window * 2, 360) # Use enough data for stable estimates recent_df = df.iloc[-lookback:].copy() if len(df) > lookback else df.copy() try: # Initial volatility estimate using base windows short_vol = recent_df["Log_Return"].ewm(span=short_window, adjust=False).std() medium_vol = recent_df["Log_Return"].ewm(span=medium_window, adjust=False).std() long_vol = recent_df["Log_Return"].ewm(span=long_window, adjust=False).std() # Ensure we have valid volatility values if short_vol.iloc[-1] == 0 or np.isnan(short_vol.iloc[-1]): return df["Log_Return"].std() # Fallback to simple volatility # Calculate regime indicators for recent period medium_vol_mean = medium_vol.rolling(min(90, len(recent_df))).mean() long_vol_mean = long_vol.rolling(min(180, len(recent_df))).mean() if medium_vol_mean.iloc[-1] == 0: vol_regime = pd.Series([1.0] * len(recent_df)) else: # Compare short-term to both medium and long-term volatility medium_regime = short_vol / medium_vol_mean long_regime = short_vol / long_vol_mean # Use the more conservative (higher) regime indicator vol_regime = pd.concat([medium_regime, long_regime], axis=1).max(axis=1) vol_regime = vol_regime.clip(vol_clip_min, vol_clip_max) # Get most recent regime reading latest_regime = vol_regime.iloc[-1] # Adjust window sizes based on current regime adj_factor = 1 / latest_regime adj_short = max(10, int(short_window * adj_factor)) # Minimum window of 10 adj_medium = max(30, int(medium_window * adj_factor)) adj_long = max(60, int(long_window * adj_factor)) # Calculate final volatilities using adjusted windows final_short = recent_df["Log_Return"].iloc[-adj_short:].std() final_medium = recent_df["Log_Return"].iloc[-adj_medium:].std() final_long = recent_df["Log_Return"].iloc[-adj_long:].std() # If any volatility measure is NaN or 0, fall back to simple volatility if np.isnan([final_short, final_medium, final_long]).any() or 0 in [ final_short, final_medium, final_long, ]: return df["Log_Return"].std() # Calculate regime-based weights, now incorporating long-term volatility high_vol_weight = (latest_regime - vol_clip_min) / (vol_clip_max - vol_clip_min) base_weights = np.array([0.2, 0.5, 0.3]) # Short, medium, long weights stress_weights = np.array( [0.4, 0.4, 0.2] ) # More weight on short-term during stress # Interpolate between base and stress weights weights = ( base_weights * (1 - high_vol_weight) + stress_weights * high_vol_weight ) # Calculate final volatility using all three timeframes final_vol = ( final_short * weights[0] + final_medium * weights[1] + final_long * weights[2] ) # Add uncertainty adjustment based on regime changes regime_change = abs(vol_regime.diff()).fillna(0) regime_change_mean = regime_change.rolling(5, min_periods=1).mean().iloc[-1] if regime_change_mean == 0: uncertainty_adjustment = 1.0 else: regime_change_zscore = regime_change.iloc[-1] / regime_change_mean uncertainty_adjustment = 1 + np.clip(regime_change_zscore / 2, 0, 0.5) return max(final_vol * uncertainty_adjustment, df["Log_Return"].std() * 0.5) except Exception as e: print(f"Error in adaptive volatility calculation: {e}") # Fall back to simple volatility calculation return df["Log_Return"].std() def calculate_volatility(df, short_window=30, medium_window=90, long_window=180): """Calculate volatility using fundamental metrics and adaptive windows.""" df = df.copy() df["Log_Return"] = np.log(df["Close"]).diff() if len(df) < 30: return 0.02 # Reasonable default for very short periods try: # Initialize fundamentals calculator fundamentals = MarketFundamentals() current_date = df["Date"].max() # Get recent data for efficiency lookback = max(long_window * 2, 360) recent_df = df.iloc[-lookback:].copy() if len(df) > lookback else df.copy() # Calculate base volatilities short_vol = recent_df["Log_Return"].ewm(span=short_window, adjust=False).std() medium_vol = recent_df["Log_Return"].ewm(span=medium_window, adjust=False).std() long_vol = recent_df["Log_Return"].ewm(span=long_window, adjust=False).std() if short_vol.iloc[-1] == 0 or np.isnan(short_vol.iloc[-1]): return df["Log_Return"].std() # Calculate volatility regime indicators medium_vol_mean = medium_vol.rolling(min(90, len(recent_df))).mean() long_vol_mean = long_vol.rolling(min(180, len(recent_df))).mean() # Compare short-term to both medium and long-term volatility if medium_vol_mean.iloc[-1] == 0: vol_regime = pd.Series([1.0] * len(recent_df)) else: medium_regime = short_vol / medium_vol_mean long_regime = short_vol / long_vol_mean vol_regime = pd.concat([medium_regime, long_regime], axis=1).max(axis=1) vol_regime = vol_regime.clip(0.5, 2.0) latest_regime = vol_regime.iloc[-1] # Get market metrics metrics = fundamentals.get_market_maturity_metrics(df, current_date) # Calculate adaptive weights high_vol_weight = (latest_regime - 0.5) / 1.5 # 1.5 = 2.0 - 0.5 base_weights = np.array([0.2, 0.5, 0.3]) stress_weights = np.array([0.4, 0.4, 0.2]) weights = ( base_weights * (1 - high_vol_weight) + stress_weights * high_vol_weight ) # Calculate final volatilities final_short = recent_df["Log_Return"].iloc[-short_window:].std() final_medium = recent_df["Log_Return"].iloc[-medium_window:].std() final_long = recent_df["Log_Return"].iloc[-long_window:].std() if np.isnan([final_short, final_medium, final_long]).any() or 0 in [ final_short, final_medium, final_long, ]: return df["Log_Return"].std() # Apply market-based adjustment market_adjustment = fundamentals.calculate_volatility_adjustment(metrics) # Calculate final volatility final_vol = ( final_short * weights[0] + final_medium * weights[1] + final_long * weights[2] ) * market_adjustment return max(final_vol, df["Log_Return"].std() * 0.5) except Exception as e: print(f"Error in volatility calculation: {e}") return df["Log_Return"].std() def adjust_trend_expectations(expected_returns, cycle_position): """ Simple trend adjustment. """ if cycle_position > 0.75: damping_factor = 0.70 else: damping_factor = 0.85 return expected_returns * damping_factor def calculate_market_conditions(df, lookback_window=180): """ Calculate market condition metrics to inform uncertainty scaling. """ df = df.copy() # Avoid modifying original dataframe metrics = {} # Use log returns for stability df["Log_Return"] = np.log(df["Close"]).diff() # Handle initial NaN values df["Log_Return"] = df["Log_Return"].fillna(method="bfill") # Recent vs historical volatility ratio recent_vol = max(df["Log_Return"].tail(30).std(), 1e-6) # Prevent division by zero historical_vol = max(df["Log_Return"].tail(lookback_window).std(), 1e-6) metrics["vol_ratio"] = recent_vol / historical_vol # Trend strength using log prices log_prices = np.log(df["Close"]) ma50 = log_prices.rolling(50, min_periods=1).mean() ma200 = log_prices.rolling(200, min_periods=1).mean() metrics["trend_strength"] = (ma50.iloc[-1] - ma200.iloc[-1]) / historical_vol # Drawdown intensity rolling_max = df["Close"].rolling(lookback_window, min_periods=1).max() current_drawdown = df["Close"].iloc[-1] / rolling_max.iloc[-1] - 1 metrics["drawdown"] = abs(min(current_drawdown, 0)) return metrics def get_projection_adjustments(days_forward, current_cycle_position, df): """Enhanced projection adjustments using market fundamentals.""" adjustments = np.ones(days_forward) fundamentals = MarketFundamentals() # Pre-calculate metrics lookback = min(365, len(df)) historical_metrics = [ fundamentals.get_market_maturity_metrics(df, date) for date in df["Date"].tail(lookback) ] historical_avg_volume_to_supply = np.mean( [m["volume_to_supply"] for m in historical_metrics] ) current_metrics = fundamentals.get_market_maturity_metrics(df, df["Date"].max()) base_uncertainty = 0.016 * (1 + current_metrics["supply_growth_rate"] * 365) vol_factor = 1 + 0.2 * abs(1 - current_metrics["volume_to_supply"] * 50) market_depth_factor = 1 / np.sqrt(1 + current_metrics["market_depth"] * 5) s2f_factor = 1 / np.log1p(current_metrics["stock_to_flow"]) regime_scale = np.clip( current_metrics["volume_to_supply"] / historical_avg_volume_to_supply, 0.88, 1.2 ) for i in range(days_forward): time_factor = min( 1 + (i / 365) * base_uncertainty * vol_factor * market_depth_factor * s2f_factor, 1.20, ) cycle_position = (current_cycle_position + i / 1460) % 1 local_cycle_factor = 1.15 if cycle_position > 0.75 else 1.0 adjustments[i] = time_factor * local_cycle_factor * regime_scale adjustments[i] = max(adjustments[i], 1.02 + (i / 365) * 0.01) return adjustments def calculate_confidence_intervals(simulated_paths, confidence_levels=[0.95, 0.68]): """ Calculate confidence intervals with dynamic quantile selection based on market conditions. """ results = {} for level in confidence_levels: # Calculate standard error of the median median_std = np.std( [np.median(simulated_paths[:, i]) for i in range(simulated_paths.shape[1])] ) # Adjust quantiles based on estimation uncertainty adjustment = min(0.1, median_std / np.median(simulated_paths)) # Cap adjustment # Widen intervals slightly when uncertainty is high effective_level = level + (1 - level) * adjustment lower_percentile = (1 - effective_level) * 100 / 2 upper_percentile = 100 - lower_percentile results[f"Lower_{int(level*100)}"] = np.percentile( simulated_paths, lower_percentile, axis=1 ) results[f"Upper_{int(level*100)}"] = np.percentile( simulated_paths, upper_percentile, axis=1 ) return results def project_prices( df, days_forward=365, simulations=1000, confidence_levels=[0.95, 0.68] ): """Generate price projections with fundamental-based adjustments.""" df = df.copy() fundamentals = MarketFundamentals() df["Log_Price"] = np.log(df["Close"]) df["Log_Return"] = df["Log_Price"].diff() # Get halving dates and current cycle position halving_dates = get_halving_dates() current_date = df["Date"].max() cycle_position = get_cycle_position(current_date, halving_dates) current_cycle_days = int(cycle_position * 4 * 365) # Current price and date last_price = df["Close"].iloc[-1] last_date = df["Date"].iloc[-1] # Generate projection dates future_dates = pd.date_range( start=last_date + timedelta(days=1), periods=days_forward, freq="D" ) # Calculate expected returns future_cycle_days = [ (current_cycle_days + i) % (4 * 365) for i in range(days_forward) ] cycle_trends = analyze_trends(df) expected_returns = np.array( [cycle_trends.get(day, cycle_trends.mean()) for day in future_cycle_days] ) # Calculate base volatility base_volatility = calculate_volatility(df) # Get projection adjustments projection_adjustments = get_projection_adjustments( days_forward, cycle_position, df ) # Run Monte Carlo simulation np.random.seed(42) # Restored for reproducibility simulated_paths = np.zeros((days_forward, simulations)) for sim in range(simulations): drift = expected_returns vol = base_volatility time_scaled_vol = vol * projection_adjustments returns = np.random.normal(loc=drift, scale=time_scaled_vol, size=days_forward) cumulative_returns = np.cumsum(returns) price_path = last_price * np.exp(cumulative_returns) simulated_paths[:, sim] = price_path # Calculate results results = pd.DataFrame(index=future_dates) results["Median"] = np.percentile(simulated_paths, 50, axis=1) results["Expected_Trend"] = last_price * np.exp(np.cumsum(drift)) # Calculate confidence intervals for level in confidence_levels: metrics = fundamentals.get_market_maturity_metrics(df, current_date) # Calculate intervals by projection horizon lower_bounds = [] upper_bounds = [] for day in range(days_forward): time_factor = ( 0.85 if day > 365 else 0.9 if day > 180 else 0.95 if day > 90 else 1.0 ) effective_level = ( fundamentals.calculate_confidence_adjustment(metrics, level) * time_factor ) lower_percentile = (1 - effective_level) * 100 / 2 upper_percentile = 100 - lower_percentile lower_bounds.append( np.percentile(simulated_paths[day, :], lower_percentile) ) upper_bounds.append( np.percentile(simulated_paths[day, :], upper_percentile) ) results[f"Lower_{int(level*100)}"] = lower_bounds results[f"Upper_{int(level*100)}"] = upper_bounds return results def analyze_bitcoin_prices(csv_path): """ Analyze Bitcoin price data to calculate volatility and growth rates. """ # Read CSV with proper data types df = pd.read_csv(csv_path, parse_dates=[0]) # Print first few rows of raw data to inspect print("\nFirst few rows of raw data:") print(df.head()) # Print data info to see types and non-null counts print("\nDataset Info:") print( # Convert price columns to float and handle any potential formatting issues numeric_columns = ["Price", "Open", "High", "Low", "Vol."] # Added Volume for col in numeric_columns: # Remove any commas and 'K'/'M' suffixes df[col] = df[col].astype(str).str.replace(",", "") # Convert K to thousands df[col] = df[col].str.replace("K", "e3") # Convert M to millions df[col] = df[col].str.replace("M", "e6") # Convert B to billions df[col] = df[col].str.replace("B", "e9") # Convert to numeric df[col] = pd.to_numeric(df[col], errors="coerce") # Rename columns for clarity df.columns = ["Date", "Close", "Open", "High", "Low", "Volume", "Change"] # Sort by date in ascending order df = df.sort_values("Date") # Print summary statistics after conversion print("\nPrice Summary After Conversion:") print(df[["Close", "Open", "High", "Low", "Volume"]].describe()) # Calculate daily returns df["Daily_Return"] = df["Close"].pct_change() # Print first few daily returns to verify calculation print("\nFirst few daily returns:") print(df[["Date", "Close", "Daily_Return"]].head()) # Check for any infinite or NaN values print("\nInfinite or NaN value counts:") print(df.isna().sum()) # Calculate metrics using 365 days for annualization analysis = { "period_start": df["Date"].min().strftime("%Y-%m-%d"), "period_end": df["Date"].max().strftime("%Y-%m-%d"), "total_days": len(df), "daily_volatility": df["Daily_Return"].std(), "annualized_volatility": df["Daily_Return"].std() * np.sqrt(365), "total_return": (df["Close"].iloc[-1] / df["Close"].iloc[0] - 1) * 100, "average_daily_return": df["Daily_Return"].mean() * 100, "average_annual_return": ((1 + df["Daily_Return"].mean()) ** 365 - 1) * 100, "min_price": df["Low"].min(), "max_price": df["High"].max(), "avg_price": df["Close"].mean(), "start_price": df["Close"].iloc[0], "end_price": df["Close"].iloc[-1], } # Calculate rolling metrics df["Rolling_Volatility_30d"] = df["Daily_Return"].rolling( window=30 ).std() * np.sqrt(365) df["Rolling_Return_30d"] = df["Close"].pct_change(periods=30) * 100 return analysis, df # Main plotting functions def add_cdpr_plot(df, output: Output): """ Add a plot showing the Compounding Daily Periodic Rate (CDPR) over different time periods. Also includes a logarithmic price axis on the right side. """"seaborn-v0_8") fig, ax1 = plt.subplots(figsize=(15, 6)) # Calculate CDPR for different time periods periods = [180, 360, 720] cdpr = {} # Find the longest CDPR series length max_period = max(periods) daily_returns = df["Close"].pct_change().fillna(0) for period in periods: cdpr[f"{period}d CDPR"] = ( daily_returns.rolling(period).apply( lambda x: (1 + x).prod() ** (1 / period) - 1, raw=True ) ) * 100 # Clip all CDPR series to the length of the longest one cdpr[f"{period}d CDPR"] = cdpr[f"{period}d CDPR"][max_period:] # Find the non-NaN min and max CDPR values cdpr_values = [values for values in cdpr.values()] min_cdpr = np.nanmin([np.nanmin(values) for values in cdpr_values]) max_cdpr = np.nanmax([np.nanmax(values) for values in cdpr_values]) # Ensure x-axis (dates) and y-axis (CDPR) have the same length start_date = df["Date"].iloc[max_period:].min() end_date = df["Date"].max() plot_dates = pd.date_range(start=start_date, end=end_date, freq="D") # Plot CDPR lines on the left axis for label, values in cdpr.items(): ax1.plot(plot_dates, values, label=label) # Customize the left axis (CDPR) ax1.set_xlabel("Date") ax1.set_ylabel("CDPR (%)") ax1.grid(True, alpha=0.3) # Adjust y-axis tick marks and add shaded lines between ticks yticks = list(np.arange(int(min_cdpr), int(max_cdpr) + 1, 0.5)) ax1.set_yticks(yticks) ax1.tick_params(axis="y", which="major", labelsize=8) ax1.set_yticklabels(["{:.1f}%".format(y) for y in yticks]) # Add shaded lines between tick marks for i in range(1, len(yticks)): ax1.axhline( y=yticks[i], color="lightgray", linestyle="--", linewidth=1, alpha=0.5 ) # Create the right axis for price ax2 = ax1.twinx() # Plot price on the right axis price_data = df["Close"].iloc[max_period:] ax2.semilogy( plot_dates, price_data, color="#FF6B6B", linewidth=1.5, label="Price (USD)" ) ax2.set_ylabel("Price (USD)", color="#FF6B6B") ax2.tick_params(axis="y", labelcolor="#FF6B6B") # Set human-readable price ticks price_ticks = [1, 10, 100, 1000, 10000, 100000] price_labels = ["$1", "$10", "$100", "$1k", "$10k", "$100k"] ax2.set_yticks(price_ticks) ax2.set_yticklabels(price_labels) # Add legends for both axes lines1, labels1 = ax1.get_legend_handles_labels() lines2, labels2 = ax2.get_legend_handles_labels() ax1.legend(lines1 + lines2, labels1 + labels2, loc="upper left") plt.title("Compounding Daily Periodic Rate (CDPR) and Price") # Save the plot filename = output.named("bitcoin_cdpr_plot.png") plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig(filename, dpi=150, bbox_inches="tight") plt.close() def create_plots(df, output: Output, start=None, end=None, project_days=365): """ Create enhanced plots including market maturity visualization. """ # Add the new CDPR plot add_cdpr_plot(df, output) # Filter data based on date range mask = pd.Series(True, index=df.index) if start: mask &= df["Date"] >= pd.to_datetime(start) if end: mask &= df["Date"] <= pd.to_datetime(end) plot_df = df[mask].copy() if len(plot_df) == 0: raise ValueError("No data found for the specified date range") # Generate projections projections = project_prices(plot_df, days_forward=project_days) # Set up the style"seaborn-v0_8") # Create figure with adjusted size and spacing fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15, 15)) # Use GridSpec for better control over subplot spacing gs = plt.GridSpec(5, 1, height_ratios=[3, 1.5, 1.5, 1.5, 2], hspace=0.4) # Date range for titles hist_date_range = f" ({plot_df['Date'].min().strftime('%Y-%m-%d')} to {plot_df['Date'].max().strftime('%Y-%m-%d')})" # Calculate full date range including projections full_date_range = pd.date_range(plot_df["Date"].min(), projections.index.max()) # 1. Price history and projections (log scale) ax1 = fig.add_subplot(gs[0]) # Plot historical prices ax1.semilogy(plot_df["Date"], plot_df["Close"], "b-", label="Historical Price") # Plot projections ax1.semilogy( projections.index, projections["Expected_Trend"], "--", color="purple", label="Expected Trend", ) ax1.semilogy( projections.index, projections["Median"], ":", color="green", label="Simulated Median", ) ax1.fill_between( projections.index, projections["Lower_95"], projections["Upper_95"], alpha=0.2, color="orange", label="95% Confidence Interval", ) ax1.fill_between( projections.index, projections["Lower_68"], projections["Upper_68"], alpha=0.3, color="green", label="68% Confidence Interval", ) # Customize y-axis ax1.yaxis.set_major_formatter(plt.FuncFormatter(format_price)) min_price = min(plot_df["Low"].min(), projections["Lower_95"].min()) max_price = max(plot_df["High"].max(), projections["Upper_95"].max()) price_points = get_nice_price_points(min_price, max_price) ax1.set_yticks(price_points) ax1.tick_params(axis="y", labelsize=8) ax1.margins(y=0.02) ax1.grid(True, which="major", linestyle="-", alpha=0.5) ax1.grid(True, which="minor", linestyle=":", alpha=0.2) ax1.set_title("Bitcoin Price History and Projections (Log Scale)" + hist_date_range) ax1.legend(fontsize=8) # Set x-axis limits to full range ax1.set_xlim(full_date_range[0], full_date_range[-1]) ax1.tick_params(axis="x", rotation=45) # 3. Rolling volatility ax3 = fig.add_subplot(gs[1]) ax3.plot( plot_df["Date"], plot_df["Rolling_Volatility_30d"], "r-", label="30-Day Rolling Volatility", ) # Add empty space to match price plot x-axis ax3.set_xlim(full_date_range[0], full_date_range[-1]) # Add vertical line to mark start of projections ax3.axvline(plot_df["Date"].max(), color="gray", linestyle="--", alpha=0.5) ax3.text( plot_df["Date"].max(), ax3.get_ylim()[1], "Projection Start", rotation=90, va="top", ha="right", alpha=0.7, ) ax3.set_title("30-Day Rolling Volatility (Annualized)" + hist_date_range) ax3.set_ylabel("Volatility") ax3.grid(True) ax3.yaxis.set_major_formatter(plt.FuncFormatter(lambda y, _: "{:.0%}".format(y))) ax3.legend() ax3.tick_params(axis="x", rotation=45) # 4. Returns distribution ax4 = fig.add_subplot(gs[2]) returns_mean = plot_df["Daily_Return"].mean() returns_std = plot_df["Daily_Return"].std() filtered_returns = plot_df["Daily_Return"][ (plot_df["Daily_Return"] > returns_mean - 5 * returns_std) & (plot_df["Daily_Return"] < returns_mean + 5 * returns_std) ] sns.histplot(filtered_returns, bins=100, ax=ax4) ax4.set_title( "Distribution of Daily Returns (Excluding Extreme Outliers)" + hist_date_range ) ax4.set_xlabel("Daily Return") ax4.set_ylabel("Count") ax4.xaxis.set_major_formatter(plt.FuncFormatter(lambda x, _: "{:.0%}".format(x))) # Add mean line ax4.axvline(filtered_returns.mean(), color="r", linestyle="dashed", linewidth=1) ax4.text( filtered_returns.mean(), ax4.get_ylim()[1], "Mean", rotation=90, va="top", ha="right", ) # 5. Projection ranges ax5 = fig.add_subplot(gs[3:]) # Use last two grid spaces for larger plot timepoints = np.array(range(30, project_days, 30)) timepoints = timepoints[timepoints <= project_days] ranges = [] labels = [] positions = [] for t in timepoints: idx = t - 1 ranges.extend( [ projections["Lower_95"].iloc[idx], projections["Lower_68"].iloc[idx], projections["Median"].iloc[idx], projections["Upper_68"].iloc[idx], projections["Upper_95"].iloc[idx], ] ) labels.extend(["95% Lower", "68% Lower", "Median", "68% Upper", "95% Upper"]) positions.extend([t] * 5) ax5.scatter(positions, ranges, alpha=0.6) for t in timepoints: idx = positions.index(t) ax5.plot([t] * 5, ranges[idx : idx + 5], "k-", alpha=0.3) ax5.set_yscale("log") min_price = min(ranges) max_price = max(ranges) price_points = get_nice_price_points(min_price, max_price) ax5.set_yticks(price_points) ax5.yaxis.set_major_formatter(plt.FuncFormatter(format_price)) ax5.set_title("Projected Price Ranges at Future Timepoints") ax5.set_xlabel("Days Forward") ax5.set_ylabel("Price (USD)") ax5.grid(True, alpha=0.3) ax5.set_xticks(timepoints) # Save the plot start_str = start if start else plot_df["Date"].min().strftime("%Y-%m-%d") end_str = end if end else plot_df["Date"].max().strftime("%Y-%m-%d") filename = output.named( f"bitcoin_analysis_{start_str}_to_{end_str}_with_projections.png" ) # Use tight_layout with adjusted parameters plt.tight_layout(pad=2.0) plt.savefig(filename, dpi=300, bbox_inches="tight") plt.close() return projections def visualize_cycle_patterns(df, output: Output, cycle_returns, cycle_volatility): """ Create enhanced visualization of Bitcoin's behavior across halving cycles. """"seaborn-v0_8") fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15, 15)) # Create a 3x1 subplot grid with different heights gs = plt.GridSpec(3, 1, height_ratios=[2, 1, 2], hspace=0.3) # Plot 1: Returns across cycle with confidence bands ax1 = plt.subplot(gs[0]) # Convert days to percentage through cycle x_points = np.array(cycle_returns.index) / (4 * 365) * 100 # Calculate rolling mean and standard deviation for confidence bands window = 30 # 30-day window rolling_mean = pd.Series(cycle_returns.values).rolling(window=window).mean() rolling_std = pd.Series(cycle_returns.values).rolling(window=window).std() # Plot confidence bands ax1.fill_between( x_points, (rolling_mean - 2 * rolling_std) * 100, (rolling_mean + 2 * rolling_std) * 100, alpha=0.2, color="blue", label="95% Confidence", ) ax1.fill_between( x_points, (rolling_mean - rolling_std) * 100, (rolling_mean + rolling_std) * 100, alpha=0.3, color="blue", label="68% Confidence", ) # Plot average returns ax1.plot( x_points, cycle_returns.values * 100, "b-", label="Average Daily Return", linewidth=2, ) ax1.axhline(y=0, color="gray", linestyle="--", alpha=0.5) # Add vertical lines for each year in cycle for year in range(1, 4): ax1.axvline(x=year * 25, color="gray", linestyle=":", alpha=0.3) ax1.text( year * 25, ax1.get_ylim()[1], f"Year {year}", rotation=90, va="top", ha="right", alpha=0.7, ) # Highlight halving points ax1.axvline(x=0, color="red", linestyle="--", alpha=0.5, label="Halving Event") ax1.axvline(x=100, color="red", linestyle="--", alpha=0.5) ax1.set_title("Bitcoin Return Patterns Across Halving Cycle", pad=20) ax1.set_xlabel("Position in Cycle (%)") ax1.set_ylabel("Average Daily Return (%)") ax1.grid(True, alpha=0.3) ax1.legend(loc="upper right") # Plot 2: Volatility across cycle ax2 = plt.subplot(gs[1]) # Calculate rolling volatility confidence bands vol_mean = pd.Series(cycle_volatility.values).rolling(window=window).mean() vol_std = pd.Series(cycle_volatility.values).rolling(window=window).std() # Plot volatility with confidence bands annualized_factor = np.sqrt(365) * 100 ax2.fill_between( x_points, (vol_mean - 2 * vol_std) * annualized_factor, (vol_mean + 2 * vol_std) * annualized_factor, alpha=0.2, color="red", label="95% Confidence", ) ax2.plot( x_points, cycle_volatility.values * annualized_factor, "r-", label="Annualized Volatility", linewidth=2, ) # Add year markers for year in range(1, 4): ax2.axvline(x=year * 25, color="gray", linestyle=":", alpha=0.3) ax2.axvline(x=0, color="red", linestyle="--", alpha=0.5) ax2.axvline(x=100, color="red", linestyle="--", alpha=0.5) ax2.set_xlabel("Position in Cycle (%)") ax2.set_ylabel("Volatility (%)") ax2.grid(True, alpha=0.3) ax2.legend(loc="upper right") # Plot 3: Average price trajectory within cycles ax3 = plt.subplot(gs[2]) # Define a color scheme for cycles cycle_colors = ["#1f77b4", "#ff7f0e", "#2ca02c", "#d62728", "#9467bd"] # Calculate average price path for each cycle halving_dates = get_halving_dates() cycles = [] for i in range(len(halving_dates) - 1): cycle_start = halving_dates[i] cycle_end = halving_dates[i + 1] cycle_data = df[(df["Date"] >= cycle_start) & (df["Date"] < cycle_end)].copy() if len(cycle_data) > 0: cycle_data["Cycle_Pct"] = ( (cycle_data["Date"] - cycle_start).dt.total_seconds() / (cycle_end - cycle_start).total_seconds() * 100 ) cycle_data["Normalized_Price"] = ( cycle_data["Close"] / cycle_data["Close"].iloc[0] ) cycles.append(cycle_data) # Plot each historical cycle with distinct colors for i, cycle in enumerate(cycles): ax3.semilogy( cycle["Cycle_Pct"], cycle["Normalized_Price"], color=cycle_colors[i], alpha=0.7, label=f'Cycle {i+1} ({cycle["Date"].iloc[0].strftime("%Y")}-{cycle["Date"].iloc[-1].strftime("%Y")})', ) # Calculate and plot average cycle if cycles: avg_cycle = pd.concat( [c.set_index("Cycle_Pct")["Normalized_Price"] for c in cycles], axis=1 ) avg_cycle_mean = avg_cycle.mean(axis=1) avg_cycle_std = avg_cycle.std(axis=1) ax3.semilogy( avg_cycle_mean.index, avg_cycle_mean.values, "k-", linewidth=2, label="Average Cycle", ) ax3.fill_between( avg_cycle_mean.index, avg_cycle_mean * np.exp(-2 * avg_cycle_std), avg_cycle_mean * np.exp(2 * avg_cycle_std), alpha=0.2, color="gray", ) # Add year markers for year in range(1, 4): ax3.axvline(x=year * 25, color="gray", linestyle=":", alpha=0.3) ax3.axvline(x=0, color="red", linestyle="--", alpha=0.5) ax3.axvline(x=100, color="red", linestyle="--", alpha=0.5) ax3.set_title("Price Performance Across Cycles (Normalized)", pad=20) ax3.set_xlabel("Position in Cycle (%)") ax3.set_ylabel("Price (Relative to Cycle Start)") ax3.grid(True, alpha=0.3) ax3.legend(loc="center left", bbox_to_anchor=(1.02, 0.5)) # Add current cycle position marker on all plots current_position = get_cycle_position(df["Date"].max(), halving_dates) * 100 for ax in [ax1, ax2, ax3]: ax.axvline( x=current_position, color="green", linestyle="-", alpha=0.5, label="Current Position", ) # Main title for the figure fig.suptitle("Bitcoin Halving Cycle Analysis", fontsize=16, y=0.95) # Adjust layout to prevent legend cutoff plt.tight_layout() # Save the plot filename = output.named("bitcoin_cycle_patterns.png") plt.savefig(filename, dpi=300, bbox_inches="tight") plt.close() def create_backtest_plot( df, output: Output, backtest_date="2020-05-11", start_date="2012-11-28", project_days=1650, ): """ Create a plot comparing actual price history against model projections from a historical date. Returns both the projections and performance metrics. Args: df: DataFrame with historical price data backtest_date: Date to start the backtest from start_date: Date to start considering historical data project_days: Number of days to project forward from backtest date Returns: tuple: (projections DataFrame, metrics dictionary) """ # Convert dates to datetime backtest_date = pd.to_datetime(backtest_date) start_date = pd.to_datetime(start_date) # Validate dates if start_date >= backtest_date: raise ValueError("start_date must be earlier than backtest_date") # Clean the data: remove rows with zero or invalid prices and filter by date df = df[(df["Close"] > 0) & (df["Date"] >= start_date)].copy() # Split data into training (before backtest date) and validation (after backtest date) training_df = df[df["Date"] <= backtest_date].copy() validation_df = df[df["Date"] > backtest_date].copy() # Check if we have enough data if len(training_df) < 30: # Require at least 30 days of training data raise ValueError("Insufficient training data before backtest date") if len(validation_df) < project_days: warnings.warn( f"Validation period ({len(validation_df)} days) shorter than projection period ({project_days} days)" ) # Generate historical projections using only training data historical_projections = project_prices(training_df, days_forward=project_days) # Set up the plot"seaborn-v0_8") _, ax = plt.figure(figsize=(15, 10)), plt.gca() # Plot training data heading_label = f'Historical Price (Training: {start_date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")} to {backtest_date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")})' ax.semilogy( training_df["Date"], training_df["Close"], "b-", label=heading_label, alpha=0.7, ) # Plot validation data ax.semilogy( validation_df["Date"], validation_df["Close"], "g-", label=f'Actual Price (Validation: {backtest_date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")} onwards)', linewidth=2, ) # Plot projections ax.semilogy( historical_projections.index, historical_projections["Expected_Trend"], "--", color="purple", label="Model Projection (Expected)", ) ax.semilogy( historical_projections.index, historical_projections["Median"], ":", color="orange", label="Model Projection (Median)", ) # Add confidence intervals ax.fill_between( historical_projections.index, historical_projections["Lower_95"], historical_projections["Upper_95"], alpha=0.2, color="orange", label="95% Confidence Interval", ) ax.fill_between( historical_projections.index, historical_projections["Lower_68"], historical_projections["Upper_68"], alpha=0.3, color="green", label="68% Confidence Interval", ) # Customize y-axis ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter(plt.FuncFormatter(format_price)) # Set custom y-axis ticks min_price = min( df["Low"].min(), historical_projections["Lower_95"].min(), 0.0001, # Set minimum price floor ) max_price = max(df["High"].max(), historical_projections["Upper_95"].max()) price_points = get_nice_price_points(min_price, max_price) ax.set_yticks(price_points) # Add halving lines halving_dates = get_halving_dates() relevant_halvings = halving_dates[ (halving_dates >= start_date) & (halving_dates <= validation_df["Date"].max()) ] for date in relevant_halvings: ax.axvline(date, color="red", linestyle="--", alpha=0.3) ax.text( date, ax.get_ylim()[1], "Halving", rotation=90, va="top", ha="right", alpha=0.7, ) # Calculate model performance metrics metrics = {} if len(validation_df) > 0: # Create a common date range for comparison actual_prices = validation_df.set_index("Date")["Close"] common_dates = actual_prices.index.intersection(historical_projections.index) if len(common_dates) > 0: actual_aligned = actual_prices[common_dates] projections_aligned = historical_projections.loc[common_dates] # Calculate metrics using aligned data metrics = { "mape": np.mean( np.abs( (actual_aligned - projections_aligned["Expected_Trend"]) / actual_aligned ) ) * 100, "rmse": np.sqrt( np.mean( (actual_aligned - projections_aligned["Expected_Trend"]) ** 2 ) ), "max_error": np.max( np.abs(actual_aligned - projections_aligned["Expected_Trend"]) ), "coverage_95": np.mean( (actual_aligned >= projections_aligned["Lower_95"]) & (actual_aligned <= projections_aligned["Upper_95"]) ) * 100, "coverage_68": np.mean( (actual_aligned >= projections_aligned["Lower_68"]) & (actual_aligned <= projections_aligned["Upper_68"]) ) * 100, } # Add metrics to plot metrics_text = ( f"Model Performance Metrics:\n" f"MAPE: {metrics['mape']:.1f}%\n" f"RMSE: ${metrics['rmse']:,.0f}\n" f"Max Error: ${metrics['max_error']:,.0f}\n" f"95% CI Coverage: {metrics['coverage_95']:.1f}%\n" f"68% CI Coverage: {metrics['coverage_68']:.1f}%" ) ax.text( 0.02, 0.98, metrics_text, transform=ax.transAxes, verticalalignment="top", bbox=dict(facecolor="white", alpha=0.8), ) # Customize plot ax.set_title( f'Bitcoin Price: Model Backtest\nTraining: {start_date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")} to {backtest_date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")}' ) ax.set_xlabel("Date") ax.set_ylabel("Price (USD)") ax.grid(True, which="major", linestyle="-", alpha=0.5) ax.grid(True, which="minor", linestyle=":", alpha=0.2) ax.legend(loc="center left", bbox_to_anchor=(1.02, 0.5)) # Adjust layout and save plt.tight_layout() filename = output.named( f'bitcoin_backtest_{start_date.strftime("%Y%m%d")}_to_{backtest_date.strftime("%Y%m%d")}.png' ) plt.savefig(filename, dpi=300, bbox_inches="tight") plt.close() return historical_projections, metrics def run_projection(args): df, start, output = args _ = create_plots(df, output, start=start, project_days=365 * 4) def run_projections(df, output: Output): # Create main projection projection_starts = [ "2011-01-01", "2012-01-01", "2013-01-01", "2014-01-01", "2015-01-01", "2016-07-09", ] args = [(df, start, output) for start in projection_starts] with Pool() as pool:, args) def run_single_backtest(args): """ Run a single backtest with the given parameters. Must be defined at module level for multiprocessing. Args: args: tuple of (params dict, DataFrame) """ params, df, output = args try: # Create a copy of params without the description backtest_params = params.copy() backtest_params.pop("description", None) projections, metrics = create_backtest_plot(df, output, **backtest_params) # Ensure metrics has all required keys with default values if metrics is None: metrics = {} default_metrics = { "mape": 0.0, "rmse": 0.0, "max_error": 0.0, "coverage_95": 0.0, "coverage_68": 0.0, } # Update metrics with defaults for any missing keys metrics = {**default_metrics, **metrics} return { "params": params, "projections": projections, "metrics": metrics, "success": True, } except Exception as e: print( f"Error in backtest for period {params['description']}: {str(e)}" ) # Debug print return {"params": params, "error": str(e), "success": False} def run_systematic_backtests( df, output: Output, validation_years=2, min_training_years=8 ): """ Run a comprehensive suite of backtests with consistent validation periods. Uses sliding windows for both start and end dates. """ # Convert years to days validation_days = validation_years * 365 min_training_days = min_training_years * 365 # Define start date for reliable data mature_start = pd.Timestamp("2011-01-01") last_possible_start = df["Date"].max() - pd.Timedelta( days=min_training_days + validation_days ) end_date = df["Date"].max() - pd.Timedelta(days=validation_days) if mature_start >= last_possible_start: raise ValueError( f"Insufficient data for backtesting with current parameters:\n" f"- Data range: {mature_start} to {df['Date'].max()}\n" f"- Minimum training period: {min_training_years} years\n" f"- Validation period: {validation_years} years" ) old_backtests = [ { "start_date": "2016-07-09", "backtest_date": "2024-04-19", "project_days": validation_days, "description": "Second until fourth halving", }, { "start_date": "2013-01-01", # Includes pre-futures for cycle learning "backtest_date": "2020-05-11", "project_days": validation_days, "description": "Post-Futures Window with two cycles of training", }, { "start_date": "2014-01-01", "backtest_date": "2021-12-31", "project_days": validation_days, "description": "Cross-Regime Test with two cycles of training", }, { "start_date": "2015-01-01", "backtest_date": "2022-01-01", "project_days": validation_days, "description": "Recent Window focusing on post-2022 behavior", }, ] backtest_periods = [] backtest_periods.extend(old_backtests) # Generate backtest periods with sliding windows window_start = mature_start step = pd.Timedelta(days=180) # 6 month steps while window_start <= last_possible_start: backtest_date = window_start + pd.Timedelta(days=min_training_days) backtest_periods.append( { "start_date": window_start.strftime("%Y-%m-%d"), "backtest_date": backtest_date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d"), "project_days": validation_days, "description": f"Training {window_start.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')} to {backtest_date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')}", } ) window_start += step # Add specific periods of interest special_periods = [] # Halving-based periods halving_dates = get_halving_dates() relevant_halvings = [ h for h in halving_dates if h < end_date and h > (mature_start + pd.Timedelta(days=min_training_days)) ] for halving in relevant_halvings: earliest_start = halving - pd.Timedelta(days=min_training_days) if earliest_start >= mature_start: special_periods.append( { "start_date": earliest_start.strftime("%Y-%m-%d"), "backtest_date": halving.strftime("%Y-%m-%d"), "project_days": validation_days, "description": f"Pre-halving {halving.strftime('%Y')}", } ) # Market structure change periods important_dates = [ ("2017-12-01", "Post-futures introduction"), ("2020-03-01", "Post-COVID crash"), ("2021-11-01", "Post-2021 peak"), ] for date, description in important_dates: test_date = pd.Timestamp(date) if test_date < end_date: earliest_start = test_date - pd.Timedelta(days=min_training_days) if earliest_start >= mature_start: special_periods.append( { "start_date": earliest_start.strftime("%Y-%m-%d"), "backtest_date": date, "project_days": validation_days, "description": description, } ) # Combine and remove any duplicates all_periods = backtest_periods + special_periods unique_periods = [] seen_dates = set() for period in all_periods: key = f"{period['start_date']}_{period['backtest_date']}" if key not in seen_dates: unique_periods.append(period) seen_dates.add(key) if not unique_periods: raise ValueError("No valid backtest periods found with current parameters") # Sort periods by backtest date for clearer analysis unique_periods.sort(key=lambda x: pd.Timestamp(x["backtest_date"])) print("\nRunning backtests with:") print( f"- Start dates range: {unique_periods[0]['start_date']} to {unique_periods[-1]['start_date']}" ) print( f"- Backtest dates range: {unique_periods[0]['backtest_date']} to {unique_periods[-1]['backtest_date']}" ) print(f"- Minimum training period: {min_training_years} years") print(f"- Validation period: {validation_years} years") print(f"- Number of test periods: {len(unique_periods)}") print("\nTest periods:") for period in unique_periods: print(f"- {period['description']}") # Create args tuples with params and DataFrame args = [(params, df, output) for params in unique_periods] # Use multiprocessing with Pool() as pool: results =, args) # Analyze results successful_tests = [r for r in results if r["success"]] failed_tests = [r for r in results if not r["success"]] # Define stress periods stress_periods = { # COVID crash and recovery ("2020-03-01", "2020-09-01"): "COVID crash period", # 2021 peak and subsequent crash ("2021-11-01", "2022-06-01"): "2021 peak aftermath", # Add more stress periods as needed } def is_stress_period(test_date): """Check if a test date falls in any stress period""" test_date = pd.Timestamp(test_date) for (start, end), _ in stress_periods.items(): if pd.Timestamp(start) <= test_date <= pd.Timestamp(end): return True return False # Categorize results normal_periods = [] stress_periods_results = [] for result in successful_tests: if is_stress_period(result["params"]["backtest_date"]): stress_periods_results.append(result) else: normal_periods.append(result) # Calculate metrics for each category def calculate_category_metrics(results): if not results: return None return { "count": len(results), "mape": np.mean([r["metrics"]["mape"] for r in results]), "rmse": np.mean([r["metrics"]["rmse"] for r in results]), "max_error": np.mean([r["metrics"]["max_error"] for r in results]), "coverage_95": np.mean([r["metrics"]["coverage_95"] for r in results]), "coverage_68": np.mean([r["metrics"]["coverage_68"] for r in results]), } normal_metrics = calculate_category_metrics(normal_periods) stress_metrics = calculate_category_metrics(stress_periods_results) # Write detailed results with output.create("bitcoin_backtest_results_summary.txt") as f: f.write("Systematic Backtest Results\n") f.write("==========================\n\n") f.write("Configuration:\n") f.write(f"- Minimum training period: {min_training_years} years\n") f.write(f"- Validation period: {validation_years} years\n") f.write( f"- Start dates range: {unique_periods[0]['start_date']} to {unique_periods[-1]['start_date']}\n" ) f.write( f"- Backtest dates range: {unique_periods[0]['backtest_date']} to {unique_periods[-1]['backtest_date']}\n" ) f.write(f"- Number of test periods: {len(unique_periods)}\n\n") # Normal Periods f.write("Normal Market Periods\n") f.write("====================\n") f.write(f"Number of periods: {len(normal_periods)}\n\n") for result in normal_periods: f.write("\n" + "=" * 50 + "\n") f.write(f"Period: {result['params']['description']}\n") f.write( f"Training: {result['params']['start_date']} to {result['params']['backtest_date']}\n" ) f.write( f"Validation: {result['params']['backtest_date']} to {pd.Timestamp(result['params']['backtest_date']) + pd.Timedelta(days=validation_years*365):%Y-%m-%d}\n" ) f.write("\nMetrics:\n") for metric, value in result["metrics"].items(): if metric in ["mape", "coverage_95", "coverage_68"]: f.write(f"- {metric}: {value:.1f}%\n") else: f.write(f"- {metric}: ${value:,.0f}\n") f.write("\n") if normal_metrics: f.write("\nNormal Periods Aggregate Metrics:\n") f.write(f"MAPE: {normal_metrics['mape']:.1f}%\n") f.write(f"RMSE: ${normal_metrics['rmse']:,.0f}\n") f.write(f"Average Max Error: ${normal_metrics['max_error']:,.0f}\n") f.write(f"95% CI Coverage: {normal_metrics['coverage_95']:.1f}%\n") f.write(f"68% CI Coverage: {normal_metrics['coverage_68']:.1f}%\n") # Stress Periods f.write("\n\nStress Periods\n") f.write("=============\n") f.write(f"Number of periods: {len(stress_periods_results)}\n\n") for result in stress_periods_results: f.write("\n" + "=" * 50 + "\n") f.write(f"Period: {result['params']['description']}\n") f.write( f"Training: {result['params']['start_date']} to {result['params']['backtest_date']}\n" ) f.write( f"Validation: {result['params']['backtest_date']} to {pd.Timestamp(result['params']['backtest_date']) + pd.Timedelta(days=validation_years*365):%Y-%m-%d}\n" ) f.write("\nMetrics:\n") for metric, value in result["metrics"].items(): if metric in ["mape", "coverage_95", "coverage_68"]: f.write(f"- {metric}: {value:.1f}%\n") else: f.write(f"- {metric}: ${value:,.0f}\n") f.write("\n") if stress_metrics: f.write("\nStress Periods Aggregate Metrics:\n") f.write(f"MAPE: {stress_metrics['mape']:.1f}%\n") f.write(f"RMSE: ${stress_metrics['rmse']:,.0f}\n") f.write(f"Average Max Error: ${stress_metrics['max_error']:,.0f}\n") f.write(f"95% CI Coverage: {stress_metrics['coverage_95']:.1f}%\n") f.write(f"68% CI Coverage: {stress_metrics['coverage_68']:.1f}%\n") return ( normal_metrics, stress_metrics, normal_periods, stress_periods_results, failed_tests, ) # CLI def get_args() -> argparse.Namespace: parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( prog="model", description="Bitcoin price model", ) parser.add_argument( "-o", "--output", help="output base directory", default="./output", ) parser.add_argument( "-n", "--name", help="subdir of output base directory", default="baseline", ) return parser.parse_args() def main(): args = get_args() global output output = Output(args.output, analysis, df = analyze_bitcoin_prices("prices.csv") run_projections(df, output) normal_metrics, stress_metrics, normal_results, stress_results, failed_tests = ( run_systematic_backtests(df, output) ) print("\nAggregate Metrics:") print(f"Total backtests run: {normal_metrics['count']}") print(f"Successful tests: {len(normal_results)}") print(f"Failed tests: {len(failed_tests)}") print("\nAverage Performance:") print(f"MAPE: {normal_metrics['mape']:.1f}%") print(f"RMSE: ${normal_metrics['rmse']:,.0f}") print(f"95% CI Coverage: {normal_metrics['coverage_95']:.1f}%") print(f"68% CI Coverage: {normal_metrics['coverage_68']:.1f}%") print("\nFailed Tests:") for test in failed_tests: print(f"Period: {test['params']['description']}") print(f"Error: {test['error']}\n") if __name__ == "__main__": main()